Aphrodite:She is a Greek Goddess of passionate sexual love. She is a good goddess to call upon when you want to pull loving energies towards yourself. She is also a sky goddess.
Aradia:She is Italian and the Queen of the Witches.Aradia is the daughter of Diana.Shes a very powerful Goddess and protects the witches.
Arainrhod:She is Welsh and a goddess of stars and reicarnation. If you need help remembering past lives she is a great goddess to call upon.
Artemis:Shes Greek and a moon goddess. She will protect you from that which you cannot see.
Astarte:Shes the goddess of fertility and can help you concieve.
Athena:Shes a Greek warrior goddess and protectress and you can call on her to help you when you feel you are in danger.
Aine:A celtic moon goddess.
Bast:She is Egyptian and you can call on her for protection. Also widely associated with cats.
Brigid:She is a celtic warrior goddess and protectress. She is also the triple goddess. brigid is a very powerful goddess and can help you through a touch situation.
Brigit:A celtic goddess of fire, healing and the home.
Ceres:Roman goddess or the harvest.
Cerridwen:Celtic Great Mother Goddess.
Demeter:A greek Earth mother. Call on her for help with anything to do with children.
Diana:Shes a Roman Moon goddess and goddess of the hunt. Witches look to her as a mother figure.
Dryads:The greek feminine tree spirits.
Flora:Roman Goddess of spring and birth.
Fortuna:Roman goddess of fate.
Freya:She is a Moon goddess and in charge of the Valkyries. Shes also the wife of Odin.
Hathor:She is Egyptian and protects woman. Witches have a Hathor's mirror.
Hecate:Greek Moon Goddess and Crone or Dark Mother.
Hestia:Greek Goddess of the home. She will help protect your home and family.
Hera:Greek Goddess of marriage. Call on her if you are having a handfasting.
Isis:Egyptian goddess that represents the Triple Goddess.
Maat:Egyptian Goddess of justice.
Morgan:Celtic Goddess of water and magick. She was married to Merlin. Doubled with Lady Of The Lake.
Muses:Greek Goddesses of insperation.
Nephtys:Egyptian Goddess of surprises, midwives and sisters.
Norns:The three celtic sisters of Wyrd. They weave fate, past, present and future.
Nuit:Egyptian Sky Mother.
Selene:Greek Goddess of the Moon and solutions. She can help you get answers to you problems.
Valkyries:Woman warriors who carried the souls of men killed in battle to the summerland.
Venus:Roman Goddess of love and romance.
The picture below is of Hera.

Adonis:A Greek god and also consort of Aphrodite. Also another name for 'Lord'.
Anubis:Egyptian God and guardian of isis. He can assist in protecting your home.
Apollo:Greek and Roman God,twin brother or Artemis and God of the sun.
Apsu:A Babylonian God who mate is Tiamat.
Cernunnos:The Celtic Horned God and consort of the lady.
Eros:Greek God of romance and passionate love.
Horus:Egyptian God who has the head of the falcon and body of a man.God of healing.
Hymen:Greek God of marriage and commitment.
Lucifer:Italian God who is Brother and soulmate of Diana. He is also father of Aradia and a god of the sun.
Mithra:Hes a soldiers god and also a sun god.
Odin:The counter part of Freya. he obtained second sight by hanging on the tree off yggdrasily.He has two familiars, they are the raven and wolf.
Osiris:Egyptian and counterpart of Isis. This is an all over god and covers everything.
Pan:A Greek god of nature and the woods.
Poseidon:Greek God of the sea. He has two familiars, they are dolphins and horses.
Ptah:Egyptian God whos an expert craftsman and designer. God of crafts.
Shiva:Hundu God of the universal cycles, birth, death and rebirth.
Thor:Scandinavian God of sky and thunder. A very kind god.